Sunday, 31 January 2010

The Love of My Life

'I carry your heart with me, i carry it in my heart!'

New age Green Architecture

The new first Green piece of Architecture to brace the land of Sandton! I stand corrected if it is not designed by Boogetmann & Partners! Very nice i must say with the facade acting as a micro wall, cooling the interior office space during summer and vica versa for winter... The building will be completed mid-2010!

What I call Tuscan vomit...

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Coffee Lovers x X x

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Julie E Julia

My amagorbu and I a few weeks ago watched this amazing movie called Julie E Julia which is based on 2 true stories... A must watch movie for anyone who is a food fanatic! So whilst browsing around at the Exclusive books here at the square of Nelson Mandela I saw the cook book which this movie was based on!!! If only I had the cash, I would have already bought it :) hope everyone is having a super chilled Sunday as I am... Ps Happy Cooking
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Friday, 29 January 2010

Nighty night

Sleep tite! With our little Serra Carinatjie :)

And the building begins :)

We are now making our form work! Finally :)

Waiting room

So here we all are waiting around for nothing to happen! O wait what was that... A fly, dam - got my hopes up high there! Looks like all the materials will only be delivered on monday, so why did.nt they tell us this!? :(

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Sunset & Sun downers


Hola - sipping da beer with da niggers in the burg of Johannes, whilst smelling occasionally the sweet smell of da Ganga... And listening to REAL Hip Hop - Gotta love the good old days :)

Its a Beautiful Day...

Driving on the 'Free way' where yes, people are Free to drive any way they want to... Bastados i say!

Well its a beautiful day, because my love is back to the west visiting for this long weekend, and as i'm driving on my way to uni, driving illegally whilst typing this message :) Woops
well hope everyone has a great day, as i'm having ;) and loves to my amagorbu Xx

Wednesday, 27 January 2010


... Is back from the east :) love you Xxx


Car pool...

Its a strange summer day, with fine drizzle, rain, sun, wind, hell whats next? Snow? But now it is overcast and cool, and i'm sitting outside on the curb at super quick, getting my exhaust fixed finally! And at the changing around of my tires, and just found out that the whole operation will cost R220 rand! So this must be a blessing :) As my 'friend' is doing the welding of my exhaust it has now started to drizzle yet again! But i'm all smiles now, as my amagorbu is soon on his way to the west, and spending the whole weekend Yay :D So i'm really excited!

Another thing i am excited about is my groups design for our project for public furniture - we have such a awesome idea! So i will upload photos and more info soon - tomorrow we are building the form work, and then friday we pour the concrete! Woot Woot i'm so Uuber excited :) well my car is near completion so i guess i should go see whats going on :)

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Faithless in 'Seattle.'

So i have my email account set up on my mobile phone, but sadly it is not as sophisticated as i thought... I can't send or upload photo's :( but the great thing is that i still can blog - Woot! I'm lying on my bed sipping a nicely brewed pot of coffee, missing my home in the east, and of course our "Children", also known as Mika and faith! I can only hope that faith has stayed out of trouble in that big bushy world there :)

And i'm so excited to be seeing my love- and for this weekend to begin! I'm not saying that university is a drag-well not yet- but for some reason i have a feeling that something great is going to happen :) otherwise i am excited for this year! We have have had a few great lectures by Pieter Van Der Merwe from C&CI (Concrete and Cement Institue) and it is so amazing how many different uses there are for concrete! The reason for there lectures is as we are having to design public seating for our uni made out of concrete - which we are going to have to make - yes - with our hands Haha! But it is a fun and exciting project, as we are able to create and design some cool stuff which we desperatly need on our campus! But do not worry i shall upload photos ASAP :)

Beloved marks and scars

The warrior of light remembers a passage from John Bunyan:

'Althoug i have been throug all that i have, i do not regret the many hardships i met, because it was they who brought me to the place i wished to reach. Now all i have is this sword and i give it to whomever wishes to continue his pilgrimage. I carry with of the marks and scars of battles - they are the witnesses of what i suffered and the rewards of what i conquered... But now i live because i an a warrior and because i wish one day to be in the company of him for whom i have fought so hard.'

Paulo Coelho - Manual of the Warrior of Light

Monday, 25 January 2010

I carry your heart with me, I carry it in my heart!

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder thats keeping the stars apart
I carry you heart, (I carry it in my heart).

With Love from the West x X x

Sunday, 24 January 2010


Saturday, 23 January 2010

This is my first attempt at blogging: testing 5, 2, 10!