Friday, 19 April 2013

Fresh Beginnings

I have decided to try start to blog again. I realised that its complete crap that I do not, and that my fear of perfection on creating the "perfect" article / blog piece must be dropped. My blog should become the daily the documentation of my life, from my Btech studies, to love life, to life in general. It should be a platform that inspires others, and where I can show what has inspired me!!! ENOUGH of this procrastination or fear! It is total non-sense!
So I start with this beautiful psychedelic hydrangea in my garden. It's a late bloomer but the colour in the dusk of day is simply magical! Nature is amazing and apart of who I am! I need it! Together with this gorgeous rain! It's enriches my soul and free's my mind of e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g!