Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Are we sustainable?

My vote has been cast, and I feel amazing as this was my first election ever that I have voiced and exercised my democratic ballot. I rose early on the morning to get a head start. Whilst standing in line it made me think of whom the people were going to vote – sadly I did not see as many youths there as I would have liked. I came across a word a while back. Kakistocracy. This is a government in which the worst forms of people are in power. I may not be necessarily judging here, but it made me think about all the service delivery protests and other scandals that are currently happening around the country. This is why we have a democratic (elected) government. I can only hope the youth of today (also known as the Y generation) used their right to vote and lead a better South Africa. Isn't this what it is all about? We need to work together and become a sustainable nation with the development of all community irrespective of race, colour, creed or religion. This is why we the youth, the Y generation need to respect each other, stand up for what we believe in and vote. Right now we are a consuming society that needs to start thinking about the brighter future (on all fronts) that is on the horizon. We need to sustain (to support, keep going, maintain, uphold what is valid – stand true to who we are...) what we have and become leaders of our future. For if it is not us, then who will it be? Just some food for thought.

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