Sunday, 8 February 2015

Looking North, Heading South

A few weeks ago my life changed. Change is always good I've been told, however at the time it is changing whether good or bad, occasionally one can seem skittish about it. I am a strong believer of karma - the universe - what ever you may call it - and this time I was following my gut. I needed change, and I needed something new. 

I headed north for my 3 week planned vacation; Rome, Copenhagen and Berlin. A mixture of concert, culture and family. Much needed after this insane year (2014)! Whilst on a culture trip I stumbled upon this (image) with my toes. Ironic as I was in or near Copenhagen, my heart was looking south to or near Cape Town (actually Wilderness) and my new possible adventure was lying in Accra! 

Now I bet you are thinking, yeah yeah, crazy guy - but a week later from standing on this compass showing the world, I got a job with a NGO, where I would be jetting off to Accra for a whole month. 

To me it just shows that one needs to follow your inner self, your gut, or what ever you may call it, and most importantly trust yourself, (and have fun) because it's your life, and you only have one chance at it!

Over the course of the year, I have been striving for perfection. My new company, me, my relationship, my everything! Whilst I am not perfect, I have had my ups and downs, areas where I failed, and failed hard - but coming to Accra has been the best thing for me, a life lesson (one of many still to come my way). A wise old man whom is my boss, Mr A, said to me, "I am a man of action. One needs to make sure one does it now, don't worry about if it is done perfectly, the perfection will come with time." I couldn't have said it better - I think this is one of my lessons learnt, for me anyway, that I need to calm down and stop striving for perfection every second of the day, but sit, be calm, relax, think and  love what you are doing in the present moment. 

Thus far it is working. I am not perfect, I am human, and still make mistakes - but for now I am in love with what I am doing - I am conscious - I am present - I am Steffen. 

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