Monday, 28 November 2011


I'm looking at past photos that I have taken, and this second I would love nothing more than to have Mamma lying on my chest, claws digging into my chest while both our hearts connect with love and affection for each other. She is my friend, mother and my (security) blanket and I wish I was with her now... Because I know she would give me faith...

Daisy Delight

Summer is finally here, which brings a sense of happiness and smiles to my face. A very dramatic season in terms of all the different moods it plays out. Tonight is another moody night with silent lighting on the horizon, I sit here on my 'zebra' stripped couch fittingly placed by my bedroom window as I stare into the nights abyss. I should be happy and fulfilled - but I am not... Something is picking at my door - inside I'm scared, hurt, angry and confused.

Tomorrow is a new day and with it brings the light that I seek on a daily basis. Something that fills me with life, together with all other living organisms out there that roam this beautiful place.

Lord bring into the light what is in the dark, protect me and let my light shine.