Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Where Fashion Meets Architecture

This is the exhibition that we have been working on. Izuba Inafrica Architects whom I work for (a small 3 person firm, including me) designed the layout of this incredible space in down town Johannesburg, Arts on Main in the Maboneng precinct, is a 'newly' renovated derelict building that still contains its rustic history through time with touches of contemporary inserts. The launch of the event was last night, and hit off with a bang together with limitless supply of fermented potatoe juice made into those devil cocktails called Cosmopolitans and olive dunked Martini's. Well done to all who were involved!

Monday, 30 May 2011

Yellow Cappuccino

The smell of a great coffee gets the hairs on my neck to rise, and my heart starts to beat a little faster at the anticipation of that aromatic taste of pure bliss... Mmmmm

Friday, 27 May 2011

Last Light

Its the last of the day. The sun now goes down round 17:15. But that is soon to be short lived as the longest night of the year is a few weeks away! Then its only down hill from there to another gorgeous season, spring. But let's not jump the gun... there is still the highveld frost and cold to get through. Lord please protect my garden and cover it with your blood. Amen.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Random signs...

Got to love the random signs that are put up around a city! This one is in Rosebank.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Sunset Good-Byes

Cold. Chilly. Colourful. Scenic. Serene. Textured. Running. Laughing.
Sniffing. Forrest.

Love Aloes

Cheese and Wine Sunday

What a magical afternoon. Peace, tranquillity, love, passion, relaxation...
I absolutely love nothing else than to sit down, sip good wine, and look out
onto magical views. God is amazing!


Who knew that watching concrete being poured could be so 'hot'. Also never
knew that it would splatter everywhere either...

Slice Chair

Danish-born Mathias Bengtsson (b. 1971) created the Slice chair concept,
which weds organic shapes with cutting-edge technology, in 1999. Slice began
as a hand-modelled clay form that blurs a chair's distinction between
armrests, backrest, legs and frame. The organic shape was sliced into
horizontal layers, digitally manipulated, formed again by a laser cutter,
and then hand assembled and polished.
Bengtsson is known for cutting edge designs made from industrial and high
tech materials. Slice is constructed as an assemblage of horizontal
cross-sections that stack together into a distinct lateral profile. The
designer chose aluminium for its reflective quality, and each of the 125 3mm
thick laser cut layers is hand waxed and polished. The 3mm thickness
provides both structural integrity and sufficient reflective edge surface to
enhance the overall effect of a shimmering object. The limited edition Slice
has also been produced in plywood, cardboard and foam. Milwaukee's version
was produced by the artist for the Museum in December 2010. [From Cubeme].

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Try to Be Alive

The most solid advice . . . for a writer is this, I think: Try to learn to breathe deeply, really to taste food when you eat, and when you sleep, really to sleep. Try as much as possible to be wholly alive, with all your might, and when you laugh, laugh like hell, and when you get angry, get good and angry. Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.


I think this applies to anyone! Love each day, for tomorrow might be your last...
I Love You...

Are we sustainable?

My vote has been cast, and I feel amazing as this was my first election ever that I have voiced and exercised my democratic ballot. I rose early on the morning to get a head start. Whilst standing in line it made me think of whom the people were going to vote – sadly I did not see as many youths there as I would have liked. I came across a word a while back. Kakistocracy. This is a government in which the worst forms of people are in power. I may not be necessarily judging here, but it made me think about all the service delivery protests and other scandals that are currently happening around the country. This is why we have a democratic (elected) government. I can only hope the youth of today (also known as the Y generation) used their right to vote and lead a better South Africa. Isn't this what it is all about? We need to work together and become a sustainable nation with the development of all community irrespective of race, colour, creed or religion. This is why we the youth, the Y generation need to respect each other, stand up for what we believe in and vote. Right now we are a consuming society that needs to start thinking about the brighter future (on all fronts) that is on the horizon. We need to sustain (to support, keep going, maintain, uphold what is valid – stand true to who we are...) what we have and become leaders of our future. For if it is not us, then who will it be? Just some food for thought.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011


There are something's I miss like playing around with my camera at random
moments through time. There is however one thing that I do not miss, and
that is standing in the dark, inexperienced, lonely, afraid. Now I am a
warrior of light... the light which I shall try to seek - constantly &

Monday, 16 May 2011

Lovely Sunday

Picture Perfect - Had a lovely Sunday with my friend at Arts On Main market. The weather was perfect, the atmosphere and everything else that came with it! Even the deliciously cold bunny chow was mouth watering. I love nothing more than being in the city, and watching clear blue skies roll out 'thunderous' white clouds.


'If you search for good, you will find favour; but if you search for evil,
it will find you!' - Prov 11:27 NLT
ALWAYS seek the light, for the dark only holds a world of uncertainties...

Friday, 6 May 2011


I have just been stopped at a ‘routine’ metro traffic check in Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 6th May 2011, 10:45. This happened on Smit Street between Eendracht and Henri Street. The metro traffic cop (had no name or badge) who stopped me had advised me that my break lights were not working, and wanted to fine me R500 for this. After telling me this, he then proceeded to walk around my car, and then come back to the driver’s window. He then asked what WE should do about the matter? And I asked him what he would like to do? So I suggested that I get let of with a warning, because I did not know that my break lights were not working. The metro cop then walked to the passenger door, opened it and searches my car whilst still asking me how we can solve the matter? I said that I did not know, because I’m a student. He then asked, “don’t you have anything? Not even food for me?”. After replying no again, he let me go...

Now I would like to know, how to I go about blowing the whistle on this matter, because if it was not me he caught, I wonder how many possible bribes that these cops are making off motorists? This is quite shocking to have experienced and I am still flabbergasted at what happened. I can’t believe what has happened, in light of the upcoming elections. I would like to be a responsible citizen and Lead SA.

*In having written this I went back to the place I got stopped to try and sneak a picture... to my surprise they were already gone! But I have learnt my lesson, and when a situation like this arises, I must act quick, make use of my phone camera and video. I must be a responsible citizen journalist. I will not stand down and be a person that merely complains.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

De La Creme Cafe

Coffee addicts of the world unite! I love it when a great coffee come with an even more great homemade cookie.

Magical Autumn Boven

I love this funny, little, old, quaint, stylish house called home!


There is nothing 'dull' about Dullstroom, its magical autumn bliss with the array of bright and dark oranges! I love this time of year!


I love the seasons colour change, you will always know its winter by the crispness fresh blue sky...